When a loved one passes, naming you as trustee, you are responsible for trust administration. Trust administration is an unfamiliar process to most individuals and involves many deadlines and actions. Naming an Independent Trustee can alleviate the stress of navigating deadlines, trust law, tax filing requirements and many other complex matters in administering a trust.
All trustees, regardless of experience, are required to understand trust provisions and administer the trust accordingly. A trustee must also understand the legal implication of trust law. Trustees have many duties, including:
- Obtain taxpayer-identification numbers for the trust
- Taking a complete inventory of all trust assets and determine their value at the decedent’s date of death
- Deposit liquid trust assets into accounts
- Establish record-keeping system and regular
- Establish regular communication to beneficiaries
- Establish a distribution methodology in accordance with trust provisions
- Create trust accountings
- Post bond, if required
- Manage closely held businesses held in a trust
- Manage Complex Assets
D4 Fiduciary, Business Advisory Services and Family Office Services, Inc. has over 20 years of experience in the estate and trust industry. We have served families and businesses in many fiduciary capacities establishing trust and rapport. As Fiduciaries we are licensed and insured and provide personal and confidential services. Our Fiduciaries will alleviate the stress of administering a trust from family members and remove personal liability associated with serving as a trustee.
Trustee capacities:
- Sole Trustee
- Special Trustee
- Trust Protector
- Successor Trustee
- Trustee to International Clients
- Agent for Executor or Trustee